View leads via your private account

Wednesday August 07, 2013

View leads via your private account

Receiving a new lead is always good - a sign that your development is appealing and home-hunters are interested in knowing more. At PropertyEngine, we strive to make our products easy to use and informative for your clients so that those who are serious are more likely to enquire. This is why our listings on HelloHouse are rich in data that is necessary for informed decision-making.

When you get a lead, we want to ensure that you'll never lose it and that you'll be able to manage communication with that lead with ease. Nurturing one lead is simple enough, but when you are receiving numerous leads daily (a good 'problem' to have) it is possible to lose track of the status of each lead.

In the past, we have sent all our clients their leads in email format. Whilst this was good, it does little to place that lead within the context of all leads received for a development, so we've decided to change things up a little bit. You will now receive an email stating that your development has received a lead and inviting you to login to your private PropertyEngine account where you can see all information pertaining to that lead on our Lead Manager system.

If you're worried the change will be tricky, we promise you it is both simple and absolutely worth it. You will now be able to view all your leads in one location, categorise them according to their source and your priority status, and then respond accordingly.

We will be converting all our existing clients over to our new system next week. In order to view your leads, you will need to have a PropertyEngine account. If you don't have one, or aren't sure if you've been sent your login details yet, please contact us so we can get you started.

Here's to converting leads to sales!